Digital Life Drawing


Had my iPad handy with me recently as I partook in a life drawing session. I’ve seen many works of art these days being made with mobile apps, some even getting a fair bit of critical recognition. A tablet is just another artists tool, and I figured I’d like to see what I could come up with it. Yes in some ways it’s still inferior to traditional paper and pencil—placing lines accurately can be painful—but it was freeing to undo marks, switch brushes, alter layers and colours, all without any... Read The Rest →

Getting Inspired with PicStroom


As visual artists we tend to keep our eyes open for new sources of inspiration. We turn to books, movies, art and most of all our daily lives. The internet is a bottomless well of information. It can also be viewed as more of a torrent rather, with more and more pouring out daily. It’s impossible to keep up with the stream, our bookmarks become folders of forgotten sites and the unread badges of our RSS feeds multiply. Daily image inspiration sites are great sources but can be time consuming... Read The Rest →

Working On The Go


A key part of getting yourself out there and seen as a freelancer is social media. Everyone is on Facebook. Many people have a Twitter handle. Instagram, Tumblr, Foursquare anyone? I’m on all those too, it’s just that I’m not that good at any of them. My status updates change with the seasons and check in’s are maybe double that. My comments on other people’s posts aren’t always witty and often derail the banter already building, but I’m pretty good with the Like button. And writing almost anything feels like... Read The Rest →

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