I’ll know it when i see it


  Continuing with the 30 piece challenge I went back to work with an old photo experiment. Most of my images are usually colourful so  this time I wanted to take a different route, go black and white with just a splash of colour. Take a hand, some moody lighting, desaturate and mirror and ta da, you have yourself an interesting base image to work with. Since a common element that I’ll use for each piece of this series will be a bit of text I progressed with the idea to... Read The Rest →

Do or do not


Ever hear about those 30 day challenges? An exercise challenge every day to get fitter. A journaling challenge to write more. A certain challenge to spur improvement. Taking inspiration from a cousin of mine I think I’ll do a version of my own. It won’t be a new piece every day, more like a 30 part series. To kick off things I figured I’d start off with a motivational poster that I could look back on when I catch myself thinking, you know, 30 seems like a lot to commit to.... Read The Rest →

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