Working On The Go

A key part of getting yourself out there and seen as a freelancer is social media. Everyone is on Facebook. Many people have a Twitter handle. Instagram, Tumblr, Foursquare anyone? I’m on all those too, it’s just that I’m not that good at any of them. My status updates change with the seasons and check in’s are maybe double that. My comments on other people’s posts aren’t always witty and often derail the banter already building, but I’m pretty good with the Like button. And writing almost anything feels like breaking through a perpetual state of writers block.

I get excited by technology though. If there is something out there to that will help me be a little more efficient (you know, to even out all my inefficiencies), I feel like I have to try it out. What I’ve been up to for the last few months was finding a way to incorporate all those wonderful apps and gadgets out there to aid me along in being a freelancer and artist. Tired of Moleskine notebooks? You can carry around a library of your ideas with the digital alternatives. Sketchbook getting a little too clumsy to carry around? There’s some interesting options out there.

I bought and iPad last year and it absolutely changed the way I work. Carrying around a laptop and charging brick was never as invisible as I wanted it to be — I always aware of the awkward size and weight of it. Deciding to pack it before leaving the house became a hassle and a burden. The switch to a tablet and keyboard case solved all that. It also had the bonus offering access to so many useful applications, and who doesn’t love apps.

Having tried once before to blog and knowing how that turned out, I wanted to make sure to remove any friction and make the process fit into normal flow of my day. That meant being able to whip up this very post on the go. And by ‘go’ I mean ‘sitting in a coffee shop with the other folk that don’t seem to have day jobs like regular people’. I needed something that would let me churn out a post when I had a moment to, and work on the tablet that I almost always have on hand.

So I found Blogsy. Easy to setup, it can post to WordPress, Blogger, and other popular platforms. Handling images is a breeze, just dragging, dropping, pinching. Taking this screenshot and inserting it (Screenception?) only took a moment. It includes an HTML editor for all the gritty coding stuff and quick links to media sites for linking. If I keep this blogging thing up, I can see myself using this app quite often and would definitely recommend it to anyone else out there looking for a simple alternative to posting from a browser. Getting Stuff Done, Real Artists Ship, these are things I keep in mind as I progress with my career. This is just one of the tools that is helping me get there.

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